I am Jeffrey Pomranka and this is my personal website. Mostly it is a place to share photos with my family and try out new website technology and play.
If you are looking for my professional experience, please read my resume.
It is hard for me to write an “About Jeffrey” page because I don’t think that I fit into any single category. Most important to me is my family. Sure, everyone says that, but there is nothing I would not do for my girls. If you look at the logo that I use on Pomranka.Net it is triskell with three interlocking spirals, one for each of my girls. For clarification, I consider my wife one of my girls.
Aside from being a husband and a dad, I can probably be classified in a number of ways. You will notice from all of the photographs on this site that I really enjoy making photographs. I primarily shoot as an amateur (as in from Latin amator lover, from amare to love, not as is unskilled) but I will shoot as my part time vocation when the subject is interesting to me. So am I also a photographer? That probably depends on one’s definition, but I consider myself a photographer. Have a look at my portfolio (still being built), my Flickr photos, or my galleries on Smugmug.
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