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1730 N. Taft Avenue, Loveland, CO 80538

I am a high energy, loyal, and charismatic organizational leader with a good blend of technical skills and warm personality. I possess a long record of productivity and performance excellence in nonprofit management, mentoring/coaching, and program development I have developed exemplary leadership, motivational, and organizational abilities, and have built long-term relationships through high-caliber service coupled with an impeccable work ethic and effective, empathetic communication skills. 


 Director of School Operations   2015-2016

KIPP Wisdom Academy is an elementary school that opened its doors in the city of St. Louis, Missouri in the summer of 2015. My responsibilities included everything outside of instructional development. This included managing the enrollment process, the facilities, vendors, budgets, supplies, and technology. It was high stress work that I was able to complete with both a sense of urgency and humor. I was seen as a trustworthy partner by the teachers, leadership team, student families, and our regional office. 

  • Operational Excellence: Developed systems and routines to ensure the smooth and efficient operations of the school each and every day. These included a lunch routine that allowed 100 kindergarten and first graders to get through a lunch line in under 15 minutes with no student waiting more than 4 minutes. The dismissal system was so tight 150 students could board 7 different bus routes in 5 minutes. I proctored the bi-annual NWEA assessment so all eight classes could complete reading and math tests in six days without missing any core teaching time. Developed a supply inventory and custom order system that was managed in one hour per week and kept the school fully stocked at all times. Completed weekly classroom walkthroughs to optimize efficiencies and spread best practices.

  • Leadership & Management: Held weekly coaching meetings with front office staff to systematically improve skills and abilities. Worked on issues ranging from organizational skills and using technology to conflict resolution with families. Our school was repeatedly complimented for warm and inviting atmosphere. 
    Relationship Development: Integral member of school community, developing strong, trusting relationships that were often sought out by families, teachers, and regional staff as a trusted resource to help accomplish goals.

  • Technology: Provided support for technology issues at the school. Supported teachers and administration on using Windows laptops, iPads, Chromebooks, and hardware peripherals such as printers, copiers, scanners, projectors, etc. Provided training to entire region on Google Applications (mail, calendar, drive, sites) during transition from Outlook. Built spreadsheets on Google Sheets for daily tracking needs such as student behavior, dismissal logs, assessments, and supply management. 

  • Project Management: Coordinated construction projects to convert a middle school to elementary in a 1930s era building. Managed contractors, volunteers, and staff to complete the projects on time and under budget. Reused and recycled items whenever possible and cost effective. 

  • Fiscal Management: Lead budget creation process for two school years (15/16 & 16/17). Completed monthly review of budget to actual with Regional finance team. Responsible for purchasing all furniture and supplies throughout the school year. This required attention to detail and good expense tracking/reporting skills.

  • Conflict Management: Managed the front office, enrollment, and vendors (cafeteria & bus) that often had to deal with families and community members that were upset. I trained and coached the Office Coordinator on best practices for conflict resolution. I was available for the extremes when a situation was delicate or required high level decisions to be made.  


 Assistant Men’s Soccer Coach  2002-2016

Provided goalkeeper coaching and training for 18 individual  at top tier Division III team with six NCAA tournament appearances and two UAA championships in the past ten years.

  • Assessment: Observed and assessed the strengths and weaknesses of individual keepers during practice sessions as well as games. 

  • Collaboration: Partnered with the head coach to determine the best goalkeeper for each game and what skills needed to be addressed during training sessions for continual improvement.

  • Skill Development: Planned and implemented training sessions to best improve the skills of each goalkeeper. Broke down large skills into small steps to help the players understand and improve the fundamentals that can have a dramatic impact on overall play and ability.

  • Awards and Stats: University Athletic Association (UAA) Coaching Staff of the Year, 2011. Coached 18 keepers that received following awards: Academic All-American (1), All-Region(4), All-Conference (9), UAA All-Academic (23). Overall Goals Against Average 0.792 & Overall Shutouts 127 (0.481 avg)


 Director of Enrollment & Facilities Manager  2011-2015
 Communications Consultant  2010-2011

I was recruited to join UCCC to help boost their communication and fundraising. For the first year I worked to organize the marketing and grant writing process. When funding became available for an enrollment staff, that became my focus where I increased enrollment by 11%, exceeding goal in first six months and maintained enrollment with a $1.8 million tuition budget. When there was staff turnover, I was asked to manage the facility as well.

  • Marketing: Developed inbound marketing plan and communication calendar that coordinated the marketing plan and allowed the organization to track and achieve its outcomes. I was the initial contact and therefore, first impression, for potential families researching child care options.  

  • Communication: Developed strong communication skills, both expressive and receptive that resulted in a high quality tour, resulting in an 91% registration rate and built a waiting list of 250+ children. Complemented by parents for the tours provide as well as the email newsletter and website under my responsibility. Articulated the center’s approach to all types of families and equally comfortable with the high level executive, as with the single parent receiving state assistance.

  • Technical Support: Transitioned paper filing system of over 200 students to web based CRM creating the ability to track children from initial inquiry to enrollment and through transitions between eleven classrooms. Provided technical support for computers, software (primarily MS Office & Google Apps), network connectivity, and audio/visual peripherals. 

  • Organization: Developed a system to efficiently manage monthly transitions of students to next age group while taking into account, birthdays, classroom diversity, family preferences, and teacher to student ratios. The system was recognized as the first time that all parties knew when, how, and where transitions would occur.

  • Operations: Managed 24,000 sq ft facility and grounds, ensuring adherence to all licensing and accreditation requirements. Managed  maintenance staff and vendors for repairs and facility upkeep.


 Chief Operating Officer  2006-2010

I was responsible for managing the daily operations of the organization and supporting the E.D. in order for her to build the programs and services needed for people with Down syndrome and their families to live full lives in St. Louis. 

  • Board Development: Developed the organization’s board of directors from one consisting of primarily parents of children with Down syndrome to include 50% business leaders and collaborative partners. 

  • Strategic Planning: Collaborated with E.D. and Board of Directors to strategically grow organization from staff of two to six in four years. This increase allowed for a doubling of programs offered, and tripling number of active members.

  • IT Management:  Managed all technology for organization, including desktops, laptops and file server. Transitioned email and calendar to Google Apps along with training staff and board on usage. Building a new website with increased traffic, and introducing various web applications for operational systems and databases. 

  • Fund Development:  Increased annual budget from $150,000 in 2006 to $450,000 in 2010. Responsible for one year fundraising increase for awareness walk from $75,000 to $165,000 including $35,000 in corporate sponsorship and 300+ donated commercial television spots.

  • Relationship Building:  Developed and managed relationships with members, donors, and community resulting a two-day awareness event with 6,000+ attendees. Built a weekly email newsletter from scratch to over 2,000 subscribers with 65% open rate.  

  • Fiscal Management:  Oversaw and directed treasury, budgeting, audit, tax, accounting, purchasing, lease agreements, long range forecasting, and insurance activities for the organization's $450,000 annual budget. Coordinated the organization’s first nonprofit fiscal audit. 


PARAQUAD, INC.  (St. Louis, MO)
 Director of Employment & College For Living, 2002-2006
 Employment Coordinator, College For Living, 1999-2002 

Paraquad is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to empower people with disabilities. It merged with College for Living, an organization providing continuing education and employment services to people with developmental disabilities. My responsibilities started in employment and then leading all the programs including the Paraquad employment programs. 

  • Program Development: Directed Paraquad’s five educational and employment projects made up of 11 full-time and nine part-time staff. Responsible for organization's first CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) accreditation and that resulted in maximum three year accreditation for five audited programs with no programmatic recommendations.

  • Grant Management: Administer and budget projects totaling over $600,000 annually. Provided administrative and programmatic for Social Security Administration grant covering ten Benefits Specialists throughout Missouri.

  • Collaboration: Implemented new procedures with Independent Living Department for intake and cross program collaboration. This streamlining of services reduced data duplication and reduced time for staff and clients.

 Vocational Services Specialist, 1997-1999

Provided vocational development support to people with severe and persistent mental illness as well as outreach to employers throughout the community to help increase awareness and reduce stigma of hiring people with disabilities.

  • Career Counseling:  Provided vocational support to caseload of 30-50 people looking to gain or improve employment in professions of their choice. Topics covered all aspects of career development from developing resume and interview skills, to finding best job match or starting a small business.

  • Marketing: Worked as part of a team to develop a personalized job search plan. My responsibilities included researching companies, organizing meetings with employers, explaining our services & skills of our clients.

 Supported Employment Coordinator, 1991-1996
Coordinated employment program that provided on site employment support to people with autism, their coworkers and the companies that hired them. 

  • Organization: Managed staff of 18 staff working 7 days per week to provide support to 32 people with autism at community employers. Support ranged from 10 - 100% of our participants’ time on the job and transportation.

  • Program Development: Grew program by 45% over four years and increased grant funding to match.



Washington University   
     Bachelor of Arts, Psychology


Alternatives to Violence - Volunteer IT Support, 2016
Loveland Habitat for Humanity - Volunteer Photographer, 2016 (galleries)
University of Northern Colorado - Volunteer Goalkeeper Coach, 2016
Communicate Podcast - Co-host (link
University City Children’s Center  -  Board of Directors, 2004-2010
Down Syndrome Association of Greater St. Louis  -  Board of Directors, 2001-2006
BJC Behavioral Health  -  Advisory Board, 1999-2005
Paraquad Roll N Race  -  Photographer, 2008-2011 (galleries)
St. Louis County Police Crisis Intervention Training  -  Speaker, 2010
Jackson Park Elementary School  -  Jamboree Chairperson, 2009
Mark Barnes for U. City School Board  -  Photographer & Web developer, 2009
Property Owner & Landlord  -  Managing all aspects of rental property, 1998-2016

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