On Wednesday I got to take a day off from work and join Mia with her GATE (Gifted And Talented Education) class to the St. Louis Art Museum. It was fun and pretty interesting to help my group of kids work through their assignments. Of course I brought my camera.

In GATE this year, the fourth graders are studying four different ancient cultures, Egypt, Africa, China and Mesoamerica so they had an assignment to complete in each section of the museum. 

Not surprisingly, they did not always want to do the work, but once they got started and built up some momentum what they came up with was pretty good.  

The one piece of advice that I picked up from our art museum educator was to look at the exhibits first to really enjoy them and only if you are so inclined should you worry about reading what the curator has written. 

All of my photos from the field trip are in their own Smugmug Gallery.
