Years ago I got a cheap Phoenix 650-1300mm telephoto lens. (Thanks mom!) It doesn’t have great optics, but it is fun to experiment with, so I decided to photograph some geese.

Focusing was tricky, so I started with a sitting goose.

I wanted some “action” shots. This was as good as I got.

I like how there is a duck hiding in the reflection of one goose.

The colors were not great and there was some chromatic aberration, so I decided the images looked best black and white.

To give an idea of the power of the telephoto, here are some behind the scene shots. The first shows the ridiculous lens. The second shows the distance to the waterline. The third shows the full zoom and is a shot of the Loveland heart lock sculpture that is at the southeast parking lot of Lake Loveland. The final photo gives you an idea of the distance.

The ridiculous lens.

Here is an idea of the distance to the waterline.

Full zoom of the heart sculpture on the southeast corner of the lake.

A reference shot showing the distance to the southeast corner of the lake.

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