Mia-x3 Originally uploaded by ucitysoccer

After reading the off camera lighting blog, Strobist.com for the past year or so, I finally took the plunge and bought a Strobist kit from Midwest Photo Exchange. Great customer service compliments of Moishe & Lily by the way. My new stuff arrived on Friday, so today (Saturday) was my first chance to play around. Mia was the only one home with me, so she became the guinea pig. Then I printed out these three photos and put them in a triple frame that Jennifer has been saving for the past four years. I liked the look so much that I wanted to replicate that on my flickr page.

I have started a new set on my flickr page specifically for my off camera flash (o.c.f.) practice so everyone can follow along and see if I can learn to do this. Wish me luck.

Updated 12/19/2009
